The Youth are our future, and developing our youth through a wholesome relationship with God is the best way to ensure they receive the promise. Youth who are taught to grow in their relationship with the Lord, are prepared to serve and display Christ in all they do. When youth believers are engaged and inspired by their church experience, it sets the stage for a lifetime of faith. We believe that youth who really know God for themselves, and not who the world says He is - are securely grounded to become productive Kingdom citizens. Through teaching of God's uncompromised word, FDOMM youth experience God through a first-hand personal relationship with Him through Jesus Christ.
Regardless of your background or social status, or whether you're just starting out as a believer or building upon your existing relationship with Christ, we invite you to join us. Let's grow in God together. There's a great community work to be done in our society, and why not let the youth lead the way.